Membership: Discounts are available for current undergraduate and graduate students. If you would like to become a member, please click the following link to the GWIS Membership page. From there, you can become a member of the GWIS national branch as well as our local STL chapter.
Eligibility: GWIS STL chapter is a member of the GWIS National Organization whose interest is in promoting women in science. You are eligible to join GWIS if you fit ANY of the following criteria:
Any person who holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited institution of higher learning.
We are an inclusive chapter and believe that everyone is welcome to join, not only women.
Issues of gender disparity and reduced diversity in STEM are wide-ranging and will require help from everyone to solve.
Dues: Dues depend on the stage of your career:
Professional, non-student members. Annual dues are $85.
Reduced fees for Postdoctoral Associates and Regular Members facing financial uncertainty. Annual dues are $60.
Graduate Student
Members who are registered for an advanced degree (Masters or PhD). Annual dues are $40.
Retired members. Annual dues are $35.
National Life Member
Regular members who have elected to pay life membership dues. This is a one-time National payment of $650, and covers national dues. Members will still have to pay $20 per year for chapter dues.
Affiliates are individuals who support the GWIS organization but do not hold a baccalaureate or higher degree. This includes undergraduate students who are studying in a STEM field, and anyone who supports the mission of the organization. This is a non-voting membership, and annual dues are $15.